Accessibility statement
as of January 2024

I want to ensure that this website is accessible to a wide range of people, including people with disabilities and users of assistive technologies. If you have feedback on the accessibility of this website or have encountered accessibility barriers or other issues, please reach out to me via email. Thank you.


Accessibility status

As of now, this website should at least meet the following criteria for accessibility:

  1. Text has sufficient contrast, in accordance with WCAG 2.1 level AA.
  2. All elements on this website respond to zooming and the website works at high zoom levels.
  3. The HTML markup is valid and uses semantic elements.
  4. Informative images have alt text or text descriptions. Decorative images have null alt texts.
  5. Focus styling is more visible compared to the default styling in many browsers.


I test with all major browser engines (Blink, Gecko, and WebKit) using Chromium, Firefox, and Safari on macOS, as well as Firefox on Linux. I also test with long-term support browser releases that use older versions of these engines, such as Firefox ESR.

I test screen reader behaviour with VoiceOver on macOS/iOS/iPadOS and TalkBack on Android.

Known limitations

While the obfuscation of contact information for spam prevention works correctly with screen readers and falls back gracefully without JavaScript, it unfortunately may render suboptimally in some command-line web browsers and reader modes that completely ignore CSS or handle the <noscript> tag incorrectly. In these cases it should still be possible to figure out the correct addresses. The command-line web browser Links renders the addresses correctly, Lynx and W3M do not.